Vintage King

Vintage King Audio (, one of the finest and largest online pro audio retail stores, has displayed House Recording Studios as their featured client studio on the homepage of their website.  It is an honor to be acknowledged by such a highly recognized company in the world of pro audio.  From vintage rarities, exciting new boutique gear and all of the standard classics, Vintage King has an enormous array of inventory that can accomodate the most demanding recording studio applications.  Peter Kehoe, the head sales representative at Vintage King who at one time was an engineer at the legendary Hit Factory in Manhattan, has been an incredible asset to the audio purchases here at House Studios.  He knows the equipment inside and out, he comes off as more of a friend than a salesman and most importantly, he follows up with you a week or two after the purchase has been made to ensure that it met all of our expectations.

It truly is amazing to be featured on the Vintage King Audio website, alongside with legendary Electric Lady Studios and world renowned recording engineer and producer Eddie Kramer, who has worked with Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles.  We have had a long line of audio retailers in which we have purchased from over the years, but the level of professionalism and attention to detail that Vintage King portrays is a notch above the rest and we feel more than comfortable making this company our main hub for audio equipment purchases.  To view the article that Vintage King has posted about House Recording Studios, visit
